Saturday, March 24, 2018

Girl Genius!

About 10 years ago I stumbled across the web comic, Girl Genius, and read a few pages. It was interesting, but I was in the middle of a story that was confusing. It was fun, but I didn't really get what was going on.

Archives of the comic from the beginning either weren't available or I missed them somehow. IAC, other things intervened and reading this comic fell way down in importance.  I stopped reading and promptly 'forgot' about it. Well, not really...

Over the intervening years, Girl Genius flitted across my mind from time to time, but I never actually took the time to go looking for it. That was until this week when I stumbled across it again. This time Archives were obvious and started at the very beginning.

So, okay, I started with the first page...from way back in 2002...and have, so far, gotten up to the middle of 2005. I am hooked!

Let's see, I've been reading about six months of comics a day, and while that can't continue, Girl Genius is now on my daily read list. I figure it will take me a year to catch up. And that's fine with me.

I won't say too much about the comic other than it is a "Scientific Romance" set in a Steampunk Europe. The protagonist, Agatha Clay (if that's her real name) is a spunky, buxom, young thing thrust into matters far over her head, but she's adapting fast! Let's just say she's got quite a spark!

The comic is quirky, funny, exciting and almost...but not quite...risque.

Highly recommended!

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